
     vdisk.conf - Virtual Disk configuration file


     The /etc/vdisk.conf is used  by  vdisk_ctrl  to  configure  virtual  disk
     devices.  This is done automatically by /etc/rc at boot time.

     The file has  a  very  simple  format:  words  separated  by  whitespace.
     Comments  start  with  the  '#' character and continue until end of line.
     Separate tokens must be separated by whitespace.  A command that programs
     a virtual disk device has the form:

          vdisk = subdisk [ + subdisk ] ...

     Where the part between [ and ] is repeated zero  or  more  times,  so  it
     looks  as  if  vdisk  is the sum of one or more devices, which is more or
     less as it is.   The  disk  devices  are  sought  relative  to  the  /dev
     directory, so names can be short.

     Suppose a system has two disks, hd0 and hd5, both too  small  to  install
     Minix  on properly.  One could configure the disks to have hd1 and hd2 be
     the root and tmp+swap devices, and to combine hd3 and hd5  into  vd0  for
     /usr.  The vdisk.conf line is simply:

          vd0 = hd3 + hd5

     It doesn't matter that hd3 is a partition and hd5 is a whole disk.


     /etc/vdisk.conf     Virtual Disk configuration file

     vd(4), vdisk_ctrl(8), boot(8).

     Kees J. Bot (kjb@cs.vu.nl)