uue, uuencode - encode a binary file to ASCII (e.g., for mailing)
uue [-n] file [-]
-n How many lines to put in each file
uue file # Encode file to file.uue
uue file - >x # Encode file and write on stdout
uue -800 file # Output on file.uaa, file.uab etc.
Uuencode is a famous program that converts an arbitrary (usually binary)
file to an encoding using only 64 ASCII characters. Uudecode converts it
back to the original file. The uue and uud programs are the MINIX
versions of these programs, and are compatible with the UNIX ones. The
files produced can even be sent successfully over BITNET, which is
notorious for mangling files. It is possible to have uue automatically
split the encoded file up into small chunks. The output files then get
the suffixes .uaa, .uab, etc., instead of .uue. When uud is given
file.uaa to decode, it automatically includes the subsequent pieces. The
encoding takes 3 bytes (24 bits) from the input file and renders it as 4
bytes in the output file.
btoa(1), uud(1).