backup - backup files
backup [-djmnorstvz] dir1 dir2
-d At top level, only directories are backed up
-j Do not copy junk: *.Z, *.bak, a.out, core, etc
-m If device full, prompt for new diskette
-n Do not backup top-level directories
-o Do not copy *.o files
-r Restore files
-s Do not copy *.s files
-t Preserve creation times
-v Verbose; list files being backed up
-z Compress the files on the backup medium
backup -mz . /f0 # Backup current directory compressed
backup /bin /usr/bin
# Backup bin from RAM disk to hard disk
Backup (recursively) backs up the contents of a given directory and its
subdirectories to another part of the file system. It has two typical
uses. First, some portion of the file system can be backed up onto 1 or
more diskettes. When a diskette fills up, the user is prompted for a new
one. The backups are in the form of mountable file systems. Second, a
directory on RAM disk can be backed up onto hard disk. If the target
directory is empty, the entire source directory is copied there,
optionally compressed to save space. If the target directory is an old
backup, only those files in the target directory that are older than
similar names in the source directory are replaced. Backup uses times
for this purpose, like make. Calling Backup as Restore is equivalent to
using the -r option; this replaces newer files in the target directory
with older files from the source directory, uncompressing them if
necessary. The target directory contents are thus returned to some
previous state.