
     paste - paste multiple files together

     paste [-s] [-d list] file...


     -d   Set delimiter used to separate columns to list.

     -s   Print files sequentially, file k on line k.


     paste file1 file2   # Print file1 in col 1, file2 in col 2

     paste -s f1 f2      # Print f1 on line 1 and f2 on line 2

     paste -d : file1 file2
                         # Print the lines separated by a colon


     Paste concatenates corresponding lines  of  the  given  input  files  and
     writes  them  to  standard  output.  The lines of the different files are
     separated by the delimiters given with the  option  -s.  If  no  list  is
     given,  a tab is substituted for every linefeed, except the last one.  If
     end-of-file is hit on an input file, subsequent lines are empty.  Suppose
     a  set  of k files each has one word per line. Then the paste output will
     have k columns, with the contents of file j in column j. If the  -s  flag
     is  given,  then  the first file is on line 1, the second file on line 2,
     etc. In effect, -s turns the output sideways.

     If a list of delimiters is given, they are used in turn.   The  C  escape
     sequences  \n,  \t, \\, and \0 are used for linefeed, tab, backslash, and
     the null string, respectively.